Please find details regarding the entry form below, including payment method. Please contact the committee if you have any trouble or any questions.
Entry Details
​We have created an online form for people to fill out to save some paper and admin. If you are struggling to fill out the form, please contact the committee and we can accommodate alternative methods of submitting the form.
Entry details and pricing can be found below.
​Entry fee: $130
Entry fee and driver fee
Mayoral Welcome Cocktail Function
5 day hospitality suite pass
Tour bag
Tour booklet
Tour badge
Various subsidised meals and activities throughout the event
Passenger fee: $65
Applies to passengers 16 years and older
Passenger fee
Mayoral Welcome Cocktail Function
5 day hospitality suite pass
Various subsidised meals and activities throughout the event
Payment Details
Our preferred method for entry payment is bank transfer.
For international entrants, we are working on a way for you to pay via credit card. We will send more details and instructions on how to pay in the next couple of weeks.
Bank Transfer
Please transfer the total entry cost (driver plus passengers) to the following account: ​
Account Name: Horseless Carriage Club Sth East Aust
BSB: 112-879
Account Number: 441921331
Reference: "surname" HCCA Tour ​
eg. Smith HCCA Tour
Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay by cheque, please post the cheque to the following address:
PO Box 786
Mudgee, NSW
Please submit a Entry Form before paying your entry.